What is the difference Between SATA port and PCie port Which SSD Interface Best

 SSD is Stand for Solid State Drive . Solid State Drive have improve lot in past few year . SATA ,NVMe , M.2 based SSDs are the most popular ones available now . 

The two primary interfaces that SSDs are available 

1. SATA 

2. PCI Express (PCIe)


Serial ATA is a computer bus interface that connect host bus adapters to mass storage device such as hard disk drive  , optical drive, and solid state drive . Serial ATA succeeded the earlier Parallel ATA (PATA)

                                                                SATA                                                   PCIe

Bandwidth Medium High
Queue Command Depth 32 65536


Half duplex data transfer, in-expesive, low power  comsumption  Super fast speed, faster then SATA, latency reduction 
Disadvantages Low transfer speed, 1m cable length  Limited capacities , expensive , ATA commands
Cost $ $$$
Ideal For  PC, desktop, tablets & datacentres Video editing, financial modelling, high end gaming 



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